Real Estate Specialist since 1977

We advise and facilitate your real estate transactions.
You can count on our Experience and Knowledge.
Centris & Realtor allows us to do market studies and to work all over the Greater Montreal Area and Surroundings!

Thinking of Selling Your Property?

1 - You wonder how much your property is worth today?
2 - How can you be sure that you will get the maximum the market may offer?
3 - Will your property be seen by all potential buyers?
4 - Where do you begin and what are the steps to follow?
5 - We accompany you from the beginning to the end of the transaction.


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We will help you focus on your NEEDS

and the best possible STRATEGY  to make the transaction EASIER and SEASMLESS.


We WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU and provide you will 100% support:

Come to meet us at our offices at #101 - 2494, boul. Henri-Bourassa East